Ivy League Tutoring
the California Way
Tutoring Services
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What professors have to say
"Sofya was always a favorite with the students... Her students always performed well on midterms and final examinations. Sofya has a particular talent for making science accessible."

"Sofya is extremely well organized, efficient, willing to take responsibility, and dedicated to teaching the students. She is strict when necessary, and always fair. The students give her rave reviews."

"Sofya's classes were always successful... The topics she chose never failed to capture the students' interests and imaginations."
What Harvard students have to say 
(Harvard students submit anonymous comments on the
teaching staff to provide a forum for honest feedback.
Below are excerpts from these)

"made class fun and also taught so much. Generated enthusiasm for the subject matter. Great teaching style - clear explanations and sense of humor."

"very enthusiastic about the subject, great job of understanding the level of knowledge and interest of the students"

"extremely friendly and nice person. Her knowledge is remarkable."

"great at breaking down lectures to basics. She rocks!"

"very engaging and great at motivating us"

"the best (class) leader I have ever had! She is Harvard's best TF (teaching fellow)!"

"I love Sofya - she has a dynamism (sic) and ... she is excited by what she teaches and it rubs off on us!"

"the best TF I've had at Harvard. Her enthusiasm for the material was contagious"

"a godsend"

"went out of her way to make class fun as well as intellectually substantial"

"excellent, always good natured, explained things very well, and helped guide studying for exams"

"outstanding - clear, organized, thorough, and approachable"

"extremely committed to her students"

"awesome! Pinpointed important material, very helpful on problem sets, fair, nice."

            Paper copies or full text of any of the
            references available upon request